Another Try to GURPS
We had to cancel the GURPS game night last week, due to personal reasons, and were looking forward to Monday night. As Monday night came, everyone was on time. We did not start gaming right away but talked about other matters first. When we finally got around to play, Fantasy Grounds wasn’t willing to connect at first. The uPnP configuration still was not working and a had to set up port forwarding manually again.
480/2: Learn How to Wrap a Bandage, Please!
On Thursday the 27th our Pendragon campaign continued to play the adventure season of the year 480 A.D. In the time since our last visit at Lear’s Castle the host of Lindsey, led by Duke Corneus, has left for the south to fight at the side of High King Aurelius Ambrosius against the invading Saxons and Irish. Most of the younger knights (and amongst them our player knights) have been left behind to garrison Lindsey’s castles and guard the country.
480/1: A Lady's Wish
Our campaign of King Arthur Pendragon recently moved from the play-by-post format to Roll20 and Discord. We have also switched from the 1st edition of Pendragon to the recent edition 5.2, redid the characters, and restarted the game in the year 480. Here is our first session of online play.
A Night of Troubleshooting
Yesterday was the time of our weekly gamenight. Originally it was supposed to be the first actual play in the new setting, but since the new GURPS ruleset for Fantasy Grounds just came out, I’ve decided to postpone and instead port our characters to the new ruleset.
Meet Làndoril
Làndoril Falkenschrei is the first player character created for the GURPS Dungeon Fantasy campaign. We have used the Scout template from DF1 (pp. 10-11) and the racial template Wood Elf from DF3 (p. 8).
Introducing Illias
When the decision was made to start a new RPG campaign with my regular gaming group, I decided to stop using pre-made background and adventure material and to create a new sandbox setting - The continent of Illias was born!